Real life!

Again the absences come and there are many reasons/excuses for this which include the following in summary......I am being assessed for Autism Spectrum Condition (formerly Aspergers), my oldest son has a low-end muscle issue where they are affecting his joints and showing raised levels of enzymes indicating they are degrading slightly, my youngest son is... Continue Reading →


Sometimes in conversation I may say random numbers, it isn't the fact I am reciting your phone number, it's usually how many words I've written that day or in a given situation. Five-hundred-and-seventy is how this New Year has started. It marks the beginning of BOOK II in the REAPER'S JOURNEY SERIES and I was thrilled... Continue Reading →

Rolling with it

Being a (wannabe) author.....OK someone is already telling me off for saying that I know.....can be a turbulent and unpredictable ride. One minute you can have all the faith in the world and the next day the rug is pulled from under you. It's never easy to know what the day will bring in respect... Continue Reading →

Leading up to the Holidays

I'm managing to get a fair bit done both in real life and in respect of my writing projects. I'm drawing nearer to completing the first full draft of my new #TheMagdon novel, the sequel to INTO THE DARK. It is slow progress at the moment as I am trying to make sure I jjtie... Continue Reading →

Return to writing

Since coming back from my course in the West Midlands I have reconnected with the continuation of my #TheMagdon series and added over 8,000 words to the story. I am well into the final scenes of the story and am still as yet undecided how I am going to end the story. I have two... Continue Reading →

Newly qualified (non-author)

Well, I have been massively absent for some time and even more so in the last 7 weeks as I have been on a residential course and away from the family Mon-Fri. It's work related and I've now got a Threshold Licence to Teach and a whole new qualification and role at work. That's no... Continue Reading →

Absences explained

Hello all! My sincerest apologies for the absence I have had from a lot of media forms, especially the old Blog here. There are some very valid reasons of which I do not intend on boring you with all of the details but needless to say sometimes life throws a few obstacles in your way and... Continue Reading →

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